Home / About Us / Policies, Procedures and Public Value Statement



Placing safety, fairness and equality at the heart of everything we do

Burnley College operates within an official framework of policies, procedures and guidance documents to ensure that services are compliant and consistent and enable individuals to participate in activities safely and fairly. All our policies and procedures are reviewed and updated regularly.      

16 – 19 Tuition Fund Statement 

2021/2022 Fee Summary

2022/2023 Fee Summary

2023/2024 Fee Summary

2024/2025 Fee Summary

Annual Accountability Statement

Assessment Policy

BCUC Fee Policy 2024

Burnley College Access and Participation Plan 2022/23 – 2026/27

Summary of Access and Participation Plan 2022/23 – 2026/27

UCLan Access and Participation Plan 2020/21 – 2024/25

Burnley College Carbon Emissions 2020-2021

Burnley College Carbon Emissions 2021-2022

Burnley College Carbon Emissions 2022-2023

College Charter

Disciplinary Process

Health and Safety Policy

Latest Government Achievement Rate Tables 2018-2019

Privacy Policy

Promoting Positive Behaviours

Public Value Statement 2024

Remote Learning Statement – September 2021

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Strategic Plan

Student Protection Plan for the Period 2023 – 2024

Sustainability Statement

Trade Union Facility Time 2023-2024

Transparency 2023 Information

Whistleblowing Policy


Equality and Diversity:

Single Equality Policy

Race Equality Statement

Disability Statement

Equality Objectives

Burnley College Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-2023


Report and Financial Statement:

Report and Financial Statement 2018-2019

Report and Financial Statement 2019-2020

Report and Financial Statement 2020-2021

Report and Financial Statement 31 July 2021

Report and Financial Statement 2021-2022

Report and Financial Statement 2022-2023


College Publication Scheme

This guide has been produced to meet the requirements of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
The Publication Scheme and definition documents provided by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for Further Education Colleges has been adopted by Burnley College with effect from 1 January 2009. The Corporation formally approved the detail and content of the scheme at its meeting on 25 March 2009.

Freedom of Information


Data Protection Policy and Guidelines

The DPA regulations regulate the way in which certain information is held. Burnley College considers that many of the principles in the Act represent good practice. The College needs to collect and use personal data about staff, students and other users to allow it to monitor performance, achievements, and for health and safety reasons.

This policy gives useful information about the type of information that the College keeps and the purposes for which it keeps them. Data relates to hard copy and that held by computer.

Data Protection Policy

Data Breach Guidelines



If you have a comment or complaint that you wish to make about College Services, then please contact the Manager of Corporate Services on 01282 733140 or email [email protected]

Alternatively, you can complete the Complaints form below:

Complaints Policy and Procedure



Burnley College makes every possible effort to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and current. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and programmes of study and other services in accordance with the descriptions on this website.

We reserve the right to alter the programme of courses, the contents and methods of delivery, and the fees payable for them, at any time if such action is considered necessary.