BTEC HNC in Building Services Engineering

HNC HNC • Level 4

BTEC HNC in Building Services Engineering

HNC HNC • Level 4

Type of LearningUniversity Study

Course CodeA7129


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Awarded ByPearson

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About the course

The purpose of BTEC Higher Nationals in Building Services, is to develop students as professional, self-reflecting individuals able to meet the demands of employers in the Construction and the Building Services sector and adapt to a constantly changing world. The qualifications aim to widen access to higher education and enhance the career prospects of those who undertake them. To equip students with Construction and Building services skills, knowledge and the understanding necessary to achieve high performance in the global construction and the built environment sector. To provide education and training for a range of careers in construction and the built environment, including civil engineering, building services engineering, quantity surveying, construction management, and architectural technology. To provide students with an understanding of the way technologies are transforming the industries of construction and the built environment, and prepare them to work with these technologies. To provide opportunities for students to enter or progress in employment in construction and the built environment, or progress to higher education qualifications; such as an Honours degree in Construction and The Built Environment or a related area.

Type of LearningUniversity Study

Course CodeA7129


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Awarded ByPearson

Entry Requirements

A BTEC Level 3 qualification in Construction (or a related subject) ● a GCE Advanced Level profile that demonstrates strong performance in a relevant subject or adequate performance in more than one GCE subject; this profile is likely to be supported by GCSE grades A* to C and/or 9 to 4 (or equivalent) in subjects such as Maths and English ● other related Level 3 qualifications ● an Access to Higher Education Diploma awarded by an approved further education institution ● related work experience ● an international equivalent of the above


Study Programme At Level 4 students develop a broad knowledge and awareness of key aspects of the construction and the built environment sector through four core units, which includes one unit assessed through a Pearson-set assignment. The core units are: ● 1 – Individual Project (Pearson Set) ● 2 – Construction Technology ● 3 – Science & Materials ● 4 – Construction Practice and Management. Depending on the ‘specialist pathway’, at Level 4, students will undertake a further three specialist units (related to their Level 4 Pathway) from: ● 5 – Legal & Statutory Responsibilities in Construction ● 6 – Construction Information (Drawing, Detailing, Specification) ● 8 – Mathematics for Construction ● 9 – Principles of Heating Services Design & Installation ● 10 – Principles of Ventilation & Air Conditioning Design & Installation ● 11 – Measurement & Estimating ● 12 – Financial Management & Business Practices in Construction ● 20 – Principles of Structural Design


Each module can be assessed through either, presentations, assignments or exam based.

Careers & Progression

What could these qualifications lead to? The Level 4 BTEC Higher National Certificate in Building services, provides a solid grounding in construction and the built environment, which students can build. Students can decide to continue their studies beyond the Certificate stage. The Level 5 BTEC Higher National Diploma allows students to specialise by committing to specific career paths and progression routes to degree-level study. Students can develop their careers in the construction and the built environment sector through: ● Entering employment ● Continuing existing employment ● Linking with the appropriate vendor accredited certificates ● Committing to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ● Progressing to university ● Progressing to a higher apprenticeship scheme, in conjunction with progression to a university degree course

Additional Details

Equipment Needed

Access to a laptop or computer

Enrichment Activities

Trips and visits organised to visit places of occupational interest

Have a question? Get in touch!

Or call us on 01282 733373