Explore Spanish

Non-Accredited • Non-Accredited

Explore Spanish

Non-Accredited • Non-Accredited

Type of LearningAdult Learning

Course CodeA4950

Study ModePart Time

Duration25 weeks

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Location ByBurnley College

Have a question? Get in touch!

Or call us on 01282 733373

About the course

The course is aimed at students who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish after having done the Beginners course or equivalent and want to improve their speaking skills. The emphasis will be on speaking and listening but there will be opportunities to work on other skills too.


The course runs on a Thursday evening 7:15-8:30pm. From 19/09/24 to 03/04/25

Type of LearningAdult Learning

Course CodeA4950

Study ModePart Time

Duration25 weeks

CostQuestion tooltip iconRead More

Location ByBurnley College

Entry Requirements

A basic understanding of Spanish and a basic Spanish vocabulary. Beginners Spanish or equivalent.


You will be assessed informally. Feedback will be given each half term and guidance given as to how you can work to improve in each skill area.

Have a question? Get in touch!

Or call us on 01282 733373