Benji Crampton

Benji Crampton, 18, from Burnley, a former student at Unity College, is passionate about the uniformed service, inside and outside of College. “When we took part in a four day residential enrichment activity at Holcombe Moor Army Training Camp I got to experience riffle training, patrols and got to handle real-life Army equipment. It made […]

Anas Khan

Anas Khan, 20, excelled in his BTEC Level 3 Applied Science course and has an admirable passion for science, stating “Science is just a way of life. Everything is built around science.” With the College being in his hometown, he loves taking walks to Campus to think and prepare himself for a day of learning […]

Dave Tiquis

Dave Tiquis, 21, from Darwen has always been curious about the sciences and so decided to make them his career. Dave took part in multiple enrichment activities, from Medical Society to the Debating Society and gained invaluable experience on an NHS placement at Blackburn Hospital. “I worked in Patient Overview and learned how to engage […]

Oscar Earrey

Oscar, 19 from Burnley, formerly of Billington St Augustines RC High, successfully completed his Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business which has opened up a wide variety of career opportunities in the dynamic world of Business. He discovered his passion for Marketing, following an exciting trip to Seville in Spain, in which Oscar gained valuable […]