Trafford Acton

Trafford has always had a brain for business, ever since he used to watch ‘The Apprentice’ with his brother, he knew it was the right career path for him. However, upon leaving College and entering lockdown, pursuing a career and degree in Business fell to the back of his mind. When BCUC got in touch […]
Dean Clough

After facing redundancy from his previous job in lockdown, Dean decided that a degree in Policing and Criminal Investigation would open a multitude of doors for him, and lead him down a new and exciting career path. Dean decided BCUC was the perfect place for him, with the location on his doorstep, it gave him […]
Joe Simpson

Joe, an employee at IDES Electrical Services, came to BCUC to embark on his Chartered Degree Management Apprenticeship, to further his own personal and professional development. Joe’s dynamic research at BCUC allowed him to assess the strategic plan of his employer and recommend more sustainable options to encourage their further growth as a company. It […]
Amy Knight

Amy, a year 1 Teaching Assistant at a school in Read, decided that a degree at BCUC would help her to expand her existing knowledge and skills. Throughout her time with us, Amy has developed a passion for children’s mental health and wellbeing. This new commitment has encouraged Amy to delve deeper into her education, […]