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Student case study

Dean Clough

BSc (Hons) Policing and Criminal Investigation

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BCUC is a great place to focus on achieving, I would recommend it to anyone!

After facing redundancy from his previous job in lockdown, Dean decided that a degree in Policing and Criminal Investigation would open a multitude of doors for him, and lead him down a new and exciting career path.

Dean decided BCUC was the perfect place for him, with the location on his doorstep, it gave him the flexibility to stay close to home and spend valued time with his partner and daughter whilst studying. After receiving a BCUC bursary to support his studies, he soon realised this was the career path for him.

Dean is now applying for roles as a Probation Officer in the prison service, where he hopes to put his new skills and knowledge into practice.


BCUC is a great place to focus on achieving, I would recommend it to anyone!

Apprentice | University Student

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