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A Levels (Level 3)

If you’re looking for an excellent academic foundation to take you on to University study and a successful career, A Levels will suit you.

As an A Level student at Burnley College you will be offered many opportunities for self-development outside the College setting, through academic visits and extra-curricular activities. These trips will help to boost your self confidence, show you your options after A Levels and strengthen your application to University or your CV, as well as bringing learning to life.

If you have your sights set on studying at a top University or a course where competition for places is fierce, such as Medicine, you will have the opportunity to join the Honours Society. You can complete an Extended Project Qualification (a further Level 3 award) or CREST Award (related to a STEM – Science Technology, Engineering or Mathematics  – subject) to strengthen your application.

A Level courses last for two years, with external AS Level exams taken at the end of your first year.

See individual subjects for entry requirements, however at least 5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above in a good range of subjects, including English and Mathematics, are generally required for A Level study. In certain subjects you may be asked to show examples of your previous work or an aptitude for the subject.

Vocational Study – Level 3

Vocational study offers more coursework-based learning, a range of hands-on activities and fewer exams.

Advanced Vocational courses are accepted by most Universities as an excellent route into degree-level study and employers across the country recognise the benefits of learning via a Vocational route.

With one of the best choices of Vocational courses in the area, Burnley College offers a wide range of career-based courses for students who are keen to develop their skills and knowledge vocationally.

Work placements and extra-curricular activities provide students on Vocational courses with the experience that makes them stand out from the crowd. 

At Burnley College, we offer Vocational study at Levels 1, 2 and 3 (Advanced), as well as Entry Level (Workskills) courses. 

See individual Vocational courses for entry requirements, however entry requirements are generally:

  • Level 3 (Advanced) – At least 5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above in a good range of subjects, including English and Mathematics, or a relevant  Level 2 qualification
  • Level 2 (Intermediate) – At least 2 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above in a good range of subjects, including English and Mathematics, or a relevant Level 1 qualification
  • Level 1 (Foundation)  – At least 2 GCSEs at Grade 3 or above in a good range of subjects, including English and Mathematics, or a relevant Entry Level (Workskills)  qualification
  • Entry Level (Workskills) – No formal qualifications needed 

Advanced Vocational courses generally take two years; with Level 2,1 and Workskills courses lasting one year, however, please refer to individual subjects for specific information.

In certain subjects you may be asked to show examples of your previous work or an aptitude for the subject.

Vocational Students, Burnley College

T Levels (Level 3)

T Levels are qualifications that combine academic excellence with significant workplace experience.

We offer T Levels in specialist industry areas including Construction, Digital, Education, Engineering and Healthcare Science. Your T Level studies will ensure you have a thorough grounding in the core principles of your subject, taught in our laboratories, workshops and learning spaces. You will gain in-depth professional skills training and additional career-specific learning in your chosen specialism and a placement in a relevant workplace for 315 hours, where you will put your skills and knowledge into practice.

T Levels can open the door to university study as they are a Level 3 qualification (as are A Levels and Advanced Vocational qualifications); a Higher Level Apprenticeship or a successful career.

T Levels take two years to complete and entry requirements are dependent upon your chosen subject.

Themis Apprenticeships (Level 2 & 3)

Apprenticeships allow you to combine work and study through on-the-job training with an employer and learning in College in a classroom, workshop or laboratory setting.

Themis is the Apprenticeship arm of Burnley College, working with more than 1,000 leading employers to help you take the first step on the career ladder. We will work closely with you to help you shine at interview with the perfect CV and presentation skills and, once accepted on your Apprenticeship, you will be supported by our industry-leading Trainers and work towards industry-specific qualifications which are nationally-recognised.

An Apprenticeship can lead to a career in your chosen sector or to University-level study, including a HNC, HND or a degree. Your employer may fund your further studies and training or you may take control of your own career journey yourself and choose to gain these higher-level qualifications.

At Themis we offer Advanced Apprenticeships (Level 3) and Intermediate Apprenticeships (Level 2) for school leavers – some industries require you to start your career journey as an Intermediate Apprentice to ensure you have a firm grounding in the skills and knowledge which are essential in these sectors.

The length of your Apprenticeship depends on the industry area you choose and your entry level – please refer to individual Apprenticeship areas for specific information – but can range from one year to four years.

To start an Apprenticeship, you will have to impress an employer at interview and achieve the qualifications they generally expect, as well as showing commitment and passion for your chosen career.  Entry requirements are generally:

Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)

At least 5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Mathematics and English in a range of subjects

Intermediate Apprenticeship (level 2)

At least 2 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Mathematics and English

Entry Level

These are qualifications designed to give you a foundation in your chosen pathway or subject. There are no formal qualifications needed to access this course but you will be interviewed and assessed to make sure it is the right course for you.

You can use your Entry Level qualification to help you progress to a Level 1 qualification, other training routes or into the workplace.


At Burnley College we offer the following Entry Level courses:


This course is offered in Vocational subject areas to build your skills, self-confidence and wider knowledge.

Essential Skills for Work

This course will help you build an understanding of the skills and behaviours that are needed in diverse workplaces and offer work placement opportunities. Suitable for individuals with identified special educational needs.


This course supports you on your journey into education, training or employment. A mentor will assist you to make informed choices about your future and achieve your personal goals. Suitable for individuals with identified special educational needs.


This course allows you to develop your skills, knowledge and self-confidence applicable to all areas of life – personal, social, academic and work-related – ready for progression to your chosen academic, training or career route. Suitable for individuals with identified special educational needs.

Supported Internship

This is a structured study programme based primarily at an employer to help you achieve sustainable paid employment by equipping you with the skills you need for work, through learning in the workplace. Supported internships are unpaid, and last for a minimum of six months. Alongside your time with your employer, you will complete a personalised study programme and have the chance to study for relevant qualifications, if appropriate.Suitable for individuals with identified special educational needs.

GCSE and Functional Skills (Entry 3 – Level 2)

Mathematics, English & Biology
These can be vital qualifications which many employers require for you to secure employment; gain promotion and Maths and English vital if you want to start university-level study.

We offer support to help you achieve the grades you need in these key subjects to progress and to overcome any learning barriers you may have faced previously.

Specialist Mathematics and English classes are scheduled at times which fit in with your existing commitments and can also run alongside any other studies you are completing. Classes are led by our approachable and understanding Tutors, who use the latest teaching methods to make these subjects attainable and fun.

Your study programme – either GCSE or Functional Skills – will be determined on your current qualification level. Functional Skills study prepares learners for life and work while creating a stepping stone for further study: it takes a real-life approach to learning, with problem-solving questions, activities and scenarios.


Themis Apprenticeships (Level 2 & 3)

Apprenticeships allow you to combine work and study through on-the-job training with an employer and  College training.

You are a part of your employer’s workforce, earn a salary and are released on a predetermined basis to complete your College studies – that may be for ‘block release’ where you are in College for several weeks/months and then return to the workplace or attend College for a day each week. The length of your Apprenticeship can range from one year to four years depending on the industry and role.

An Apprenticeship can provide you with the qualifications to progress to University-level study. 

Entry requirements are generally:

Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2)

At least 2 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Mathematics and English.

Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)

At least 5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Mathematics and English. Completion of a relevant Intermediate Apprenticeship. Your Advanced Apprenticeship could open the door for you to apply for university-level qualifications as a Higher Level Apprentice.

Higher Level Apprenticeship (Level 4/5 – HNC/HND qualifications – University Study)

As an Adult Apprentice, your relevant work experience could also enable you to progress to a Higher Level Apprenticeship.

Degree Apprenticeship – (Level 6 – University Study)

Successful completion of a Higher Level Apprenticeship in your chosen sector or a relevant qualification at Level 5.


Access to University Courses

Access to University courses provide you with the skills, knowledge and behaviours you will need to be a successful university student. They are an ideal route if you are returning to education after a break and, on successful completion, give you the opportunity to progress to a Foundation Degree or a full degree in your chosen subject.

Learners should have a GCSE in English and ideally Mathematics (or Functional Skills Level 2) however there may be a possibility to study for these qualifications while on the Access course.

Burnley College also offers Pre-Access Courses which offer you a grounding in the skills and knowledge needed to progress in your chosen subject. They are an ideal way to return to learning, building your confidence and study skills and can also be taken alongside Mathematics and English qualifications if required. You can progress from one of these courses to an Access to University course to take your skills to the next level or you can start your chosen degree at a Foundation Entry Level.

Learners should have two GCSEs at Grade 3 or above (or equivalent) or evidence of previous successful study.

Higher National Certificate (HNC)

A Higher National Certificate is a university-level qualification (generally equivalent to the first year at university) which is designed to give you the skills and knowledge suitable for a specific career. 

Unlike many degrees, a HNC is vocationally focussed and can lead straight on to a career: it can also be a stepping stone to a higher qualification, such as a HND and then on to a full degree. 

A full-time HNC takes a year to complete (longer if studied part-time) and requires a relevant Level 3 qualification to enrol (this could be an Advanced Apprenticeship, Advanced Vocational qualification, T Levels or A Levels) and Mathematics and English qualifications. Those with extensive relevant work experience can also be considered for this course.

Milli Sagar, University Courses Burnley Student

Higher National Diploma (HND)

A Higher National Diploma is a university-level qualification designed to give you additional, enhanced skills and knowledge suitable for a specific career, following HNC study.

A HND is vocationally focussed and can also be a stepping stone to a higher qualification, such as a full degree in a related subject.

A full time HND takes a year to complete (longer if studied part-time) and requires a relevant HNC qualification to enrol on this course.

Themis Apprentice, Burnley College

Foundation Entry

A Foundation Entry year is the opportunity to build your skills, knowledge and confidence before progressing to your Foundation Degree or full degree studies in your chosen subject. 

During the year you will gain a thorough understanding of the core skills and knowledge which will underpin your future university-level studies and learn the study skills which will help you to achieve your goals.

Prior qualifications, industry experience or evidence of previous learning are needed to enrol on a Foundation Entry degree study programme, including Mathematics and English qualifications. There may, however, be the opportunity to study for these vital qualifications alongside these Foundation Entry studies.

Foundation Degree

A Foundation Degree is a Level 5 qualification issued by a university and is two-thirds of a full honours degree. Once you have completed your Foundation Degree you have a university-level qualification that can open doors to careers or to further study through a Top-Up degree in your chosen subject (to achieve your BSc Hons, BA Hons or BEng status).

A Foundation Degree gives you an in-depth understanding of your chosen subject. It will normally last two years full time and longer through part time study

To be accepted on to a Foundation Degree you must have relevant qualifications, including Mathematics and English; a Foundation Entry degree qualification, a relevant A Level, T Level or Advanced Vocational qualification or an Access to Higher Education qualification.

Top-Up Degree

A Top-Up degree can be taken following a Foundation Degree to raise the qualification to a full degree level (BA Hons, BSc Hons, BEng). The Top-Up degree does not have to be in the same subject as the Foundation Degree but must have close relevance to the previous qualification. 

A Top-Up degree allows you to acquire a still deeper understanding and appreciation of your chosen subject and carry out research and analysis.

The course will usually last one year when studied full time and longer when studied on a part-time basis.

Degree (BSc Hons, BA Hons, BEng)

A Degree is a university qualification in your chosen field, showing you have an in-depth knowledge of your subject and the ability to carry out research and analysis. 

A degree is essential when entering many professions at a managerial level or to practice in the healthcare or education sector in certain positions (including teaching and nursing).

Study for a full Degree usually takes three years when completed full time and longer when completed part-time.

To be accepted on to a Degree programme you must have relevant qualifications, including Mathematics and English; a Foundation Entry degree qualification, a relevant A Level, T Level or Advanced Vocational qualification or an Access to Higher Education qualification. 

Following successful completion of your Degree studies, you can progress to post-graduate study which include specific teaching qualifications, a Masters Degree and Doctorate.

Post-Graduate Degree

On successful completion of your degree at a suitable level, you can continue your studies to post-graduate level and become an expert in your chosen field.

A common post-graduate route is to attain a PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education) where you learn the skills and knowledge needed to become a teacher. This is usually a year-long course when studied full-time and involved classroom experience to build your confidence.

Through further study a Masters qualification takes your subject-specific learning to the next level, with a further Doctorate the highest qualification you can achieve in your chosen area. Both can be either taught or research-based.

Preparatory Certificate in Education and Training (PGCE)

This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to teaching or training those aged 14+. 

It is designed to give you a taste of life as a teacher, introducing you to the planning and delivery of lessons, theories of learning, assessment strategies and  working with individuals and groups.

It is a nationally recognised certificate which can act as an introduction to a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).


Mathematics and English – GCSE and Functional Skills

Mathematics and English are vital qualifications if you want to progress to further study.

Classes are led by our approachable and understanding Tutors, who work with you at your pace to esure these subjects are attainable, particurlarly if it’s been a while since you were last in a classroom.

Your study programme – either GCSE or Functional Skills – will be determined on your current qualification level. Functional Skills study prepares learners for life and work while creating a stepping stone for further study: it takes a real-life approach to learning, with problem-solving questions, activities and scenarios.

Non-Accredited Courses and Classes

Choose from a range of courses – delivered in person and online. They are usually aimed at complete beginners, giving you time to master the fundamentals over the course duration.

These courses and classes can be a fun way to meet new people and grow a skill, or may be a useful boost for your cv depending on the course.

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Language)

This qualification is for members of your workforce who do not speak English as their first language and could benefit from additional speaking, writing, listening and reading skills in English to improve communication within the workplace.

Industry-Certified Courses

Burnley College offers a range of courses which are accredited, certified and validated by professional industry bodies and are recognised nationally. These are qualifications which can help you to progress up the career ladder in your chosen industry; ensure your skills and knowledge are recognised in the workplace. Some are essential industry qualifications to ensure you have a full knowledge of the latest developments and legislation in your sector and are needed to allow you to continue working. 

Industry-certified courses cover a range of disciplines, including Accountancy, Health and Safety, Management, Electrical Installation. Welding and CIS (Construction Industry Scheme).

Access to University Courses

Access to University courses provide you with the skills, knowledge and behaviours you will need to be a successful university student. They are an ideal route if you are returning to education after a break and, on successful completion, give you the opportunity to progress to a Foundation Degree or a full degree in your chosen subject.

Learners should have a GCSE in English and ideally Mathematicss (or Functional Skills Level 2) however there may be a possibility to study for these qualifications while on the Access course.

Burnley College also offers Pre-Access Courses which offer you a grounding in the skills and knowledge needed to progress in your chosen subject. They are an ideal way to return to learning, building your confidence and study skills and can also be taken alongside Mathematics and English qualifications if required. You can progress from one of these courses to an Access to University course to take your skills to the next level or you can start your chosen degree at a Foundation Entry Level.

Learners should have two GCSEs at Grade 3 or above (or equivalent) or evidence of previous successful study.

Higher National Certificate (HNC) – University Study

A Higher National Certificate is a university-level qualification (generally equivalent to the first year at university) which is designed to give you the skills and knowledge suitable for a specific career. 

Unlike many degrees, a HNC is vocationally focussed and can lead straight on to a career: it can also be a stepping stone to a higher qualification, such as a HND and then on to a full degree. 

A full-time HNC takes a year to complete (longer if studied part-time) and requires a relevant Level 3 qualification to enrol (this could be an Advanced Apprenticeship, Advanced Vocational qualification, T Levels or A Levels) and Mathematics and English qualifications. Those with extensive relevant work experience can also be considered for this course.

Higher National Diploma (HND) – University Study

A Higher National Diploma is a university-level qualification designed to give you additional, enhanced skills and knowledge suitable for a specific career, following HNC study.

A HND is vocationally focussed and can also be a stepping stone to a higher qualification, such as a full degree in a related subject.

A full-time HND takes a year to complete (longer if studied part-time) and requires a relevant HNC qualification to enrol on this course.

Foundation Entry – University Study

A Foundation Entry year is the opportunity to build your skills, knowledge and confidence before progressing to your Foundation Degree or full degree studies in your chosen subject. 

During the year you will gain a thorough understanding of the core skills and knowledge which will underpin your future university-level studies and learn the study skills which will help you to achieve your goals.

Prior qualifications, industry experience or evidence of previous learning are needed to enrol on a Foundation Entry degree study programme, including Mathematics and English qualifications. There may, however, be the opportunity to study for these vital qualifications alongside these Foundation Entry studies.

Foundation Degree – University Study

A Foundation Degree is a Level 5 qualification issued by a university and is two-thirds of a full honours degree. Once you have completed your Foundation Degree you have a university-level qualification that can open doors to careers or to further study through a Top-Up degree in your chosen subject (to achieve your BSc Hons, BA Hons or BEng status).

A Foundation Degree gives you an in-depth understanding of your chosen subject. It will normally last two years full time and longer through part time study

To be accepted on to a Foundation Degree you must have relevant qualifications, including Mathematics and English; a Foundation Entry degree qualification, a relevant A Level, T Level or Advanced Vocational qualification or an Access to Higher Education qualification.

Top-Up Degree – University Study

A Top-Up degree can be taken following a Foundation Degree to raise the qualification to a full degree level (BA Hons, BSc Hons, BEng). The Top-Up degree does not have to be in the same subject as the Foundation Degree but must have close relevance to the previous qualification. 

A Top-Up degree allows you to acquire a still deeper understanding and appreciation of your chosen subject and carry out research and analysis.

The course will usually last one year when studied full time and longer when studied on a part-time basis.

Degree (BSc Hons, BA Hons, BEng) – University Study

A Degree is a university qualification in your chosen field, showing you have an in-depth knowledge of your subject and the ability to carry out research and analysis. 

A degree is essential when entering many professions at a managerial level or to practice in the healthcare or education sector in certain positions (including teaching and nursing).

Study for a full Degree usually takes three years when completed full time and longer when completed part-time.

To be accepted on to a Degree programme you must have relevant qualifications, including Mathematics and English; a Foundation Entry degree qualification, a relevant A Level, T Level or Advanced Vocational qualification or an Access to Higher Education qualification. 

Following successful completion of your Degree studies, you can progress to post-graduate study which include specific teaching qualifications, a Masters Degree and Doctorate.

Post-Graduate Degree – University Study

On successful completion of your degree at a suitable level, you can continue your studies to post-graduate level and become an expert in your chosen field.

A common post-graduate route is to attain a PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education) where you learn the skills and knowledge needed to become a teacher. This is usually a year-long course when studied full-time and involved classroom experience to build your confidence.

Through further study a Masters qualification takes your subject-specific learning to the next level, with a further Doctorate the highest qualification you can achieve in your chosen area. Both can be either taught or research-based.

Preparatory Certificate in Education and Training – University Study

This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to teaching or training those aged 14+. 

It is designed to give you a taste of life as a teacher, introducing you to the planning and delivery of lessons, theories of learning, assessment strategies and  working with individuals and groups.

It is a nationally recognised certificate which can act as an introduction to a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).


Apprenticeships allow you to combine work and study through on-the-job training with an employer and learning in College in a classroom, workshop or laboratory setting.

In effect, you earn while you learn. You are a part of your employer’s workforce, earn a salary and are released on a predetermined basis to complete your College studies – that may be for ‘block release’ where you are in College for several weeks/months and then return to the workplace or attend College for a day each week. While you are in the workplace, your Themis Trainer will also visit you to make sure your Apprenticeship is progressing as planned and to ensure you are keeping records of your experiences and training that are needed to complete your Apprenticeship

An Apprenticeship can lead to a career in your chosen sector: following your Apprenticeship your employer may choose to take you on as a full member of the workforce or you may seek employment elsewhere. It can also provide you with the qualifications to progress to University-level study, including a HNC (Higher National Certificate), HND (Higher National Diploma) or a full degree (BSc Hons, BA Hons, BEng). Your employer may fund your further studies and continue to pay your salary as a member of the workforce, however if this is not possible, you also have the option to take control of your own career journey and choose to gain these higher-level qualifications independently..

You are advised to actively research and apply for Apprenticeship positions at your preferred employers, with assistance from Themis advisors always on hand to ensure your CV, interview and presentation skills are optimised.

At Themis we offer Advanced Apprenticeships (Level 3) and Intermediate Apprenticeships (Level 2).

Some industries require you to start your career journey as an Intermediate Apprentice to ensure you have a firm grounding in the skills and knowledge which are essential in these sectors. The length of your Apprenticeship depends on the industry area you choose and your entry level – please refer to individual Apprenticeship areas for specific information – but can range from one year to four years.

To start an Apprenticeship, you will have to impress an employer at interview and achieve the qualifications expected, as well as showing commitment and passion for your chosen career.  Entry requirements are generally:

Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2) – At least 2 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Mathematics and English. Successful

Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3) – At least 5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Mathematics and English. Completion of a relevant Intermediate Apprenticeship. Your Advanced Apprenticeship could open the door for you to apply for university-level qualifications as a Higher Level Apprentice.

Higher Level Apprentice (HNC/HND qualifications – university study) – Successful completion of an Advanced Apprenticeship in your chosen sector or a relevant Level 3 qualification (that could be A Levels, T Levels or an Advanced Vocational qualification in a relevant subject/s). As an Adult Apprentice, your relevant work experience could also enable you to progress to a Higher Level Apprenticeship.

Degree Apprenticeship – (university study) – Successful completion of a Higher Level Apprenticeship in your chosen sector or a relevant qualification at Level 5.


Industry-Certified Courses

Burnley College offers a range of courses which are accredited, certified and validated by professional industry bodies and are recognised nationally. These are qualifications which can help upskill your workforce and ensure they have the relevant, up-to-date skills and knowledge needed for the modern workplace. Some are essential industry qualifications to ensure your employees have a full knowledge of the latest developments and legislation in your sector and are needed to allow them to continue working. 

Industry-certified courses cover a range of disciplines, including Accountancy, Health and Safety, Management, Electrical Installation. Welding and CIS (Construction Industry Scheme).

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